Saturday, August 27, 2005

Lance: "I'll never be in such good shape again." Sad...

I heard Lance say on Larry King the other night that "I'll never be in this good of shape again." That's sad.

What kind of shape has he ever been in for garden-hoeing, kitchen-work, XC skiing, seakayaking, thai-kickboxing, javelin-throwing, longbow shooting, ax-chopping, timber-frame house-building, yoga or esoteric studies?

In a month or so he could get into far better shape than he's ever been in any for those activities. And he could get into better KINDS of shape.

Lance has only been in world-class shape for road-bike racing.

He's actually been weak and ill-equipped to do those other activities and to do things in other ways.

There's a big new world out there waiting for him, all at least as good as bike racing, easily healthier and so offering better general "shape."

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